An Overview

In the very heart of the Guwahati City, Ascent Academy Group of Institutions lay a superhighway to quality education encompassing character building, competitive orientation and a disciplined sense of purpose.

The Academy is aided and advised by an ACADEMIC SENATE consisting of reputed educationists and administrators.

To know more about the subjects offered in the school and college, please visit MAIN OFFICE.

Message from the Principal


Established in 1994, our college has always aimed to achieve academic excellence. Our students have shown excellent results year after year. This has been possible due to the dedication of our Management, our teachers and the outstanding infrastructure. As we complete twenty five years since the inception of our college, we are ready to scale new heights and make it an institution par excellence. Our aim is not only to impart education, but also to make our students rational human beings for today’s world. We encourage them to think and analyse, and not become victims to the frivolous activities. We inspire them to learn the virtues of hard and honest work, the value of time and to be attentive and systematic in the classrooms and other co-curricular activities. Their innate qualities are developed and they are led to a bright future.

Hence the motto of this Institution is ‘Self-Actualisation’ which becomes the key to their growth, development and success. Wishing good luck to all our dear students!


Thanking You!


Mrs. Anurupa Chakraborty



Ascent Academy Senior Secondary School


Message from the Headmistress

A warm welcome to all the viewers of the website!

In 1994, Ascent Academy High School began its educational mission in Guwahati - The Gateway of North-East India. As decades have passed, the school has expanded and developed into an established institutions aiming to create a supportive and inclusive environment where students explore their potential and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life. Our students experience and are involved with a broad range of co-curricular activities, which offer them varied challenging, enjoyable and successful curricular opportunities in gaining knowledge, sports, art and musical programmes.

Thus, it is our duty to continue to give our students strong roots, stronger wings and best memories so as to become better individuals in the long run.


Thanking You!


Mrs. Bornali Patgiri



Ascent Academy High School



Ascent Academy Junior College is an AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council) permitted institution.


Ascent Academy High School is a SEBA (Secondary Education Board of Assam) permitted institution.


College Faculty


Mrs. Anurupa Chakraborty

Dept. of English

25 Years of Teaching Experience

Mrs. Anurupa Chakraborty

Mrs. Farzana Rahman

M.A. in Economics, B.Ed

Dept. of Economics

Mrs. Farzana Rahman

Mrs. Jonali Baishya

M.A. in Economics, B.Ed

Dept. of Economics

Mrs. Jonali Baishya

Mrs. Moitroyee Medhi

M.A. in English

Dept. of English

Mrs. Moitroyee Medhi

Mrs. Namami Goswami

M.A. in Political Science

Dept. of Political Science

Mrs. Namami Goswami

Barnali Patgiri

BA in Education

Dept. of Assamese

Mrs. Barnali Patgiri

Mrs. Shiny Bharadwaj

M.A. in Sociology

Dept. of Arts

Mrs. Shiny Bharadwaj

Mrs. Mary Konwar

M.A. in English, Animation & Graphics Designing, DCA,

Dept. of Computer Science

Mrs. Mary Konwar

Mrs. Priya Kashyap Khatoniar

M.A. in History

Dept. of Arts

Mrs. Priya Kashyap Khatoniar

Mrs. Biva Das

BSc. in Statistics & MA in Economics

Dept. of Arts

Mrs. Biva Das

Mrs. Ranjana Sarma

M.A. in English

Dept. of English

Mrs. Ranjana Sarma

Hima Sharma

M.A(Edu), MCJ, B.Ed

Dept. of Arts

Mr. Hima Sharma

Mrs. Subarna Shome

M.Com(management), BEd., CTET

Dept. of Commerce

Mrs. Subarna Shome

Barsha Gohain

MA(Assamese), B.Ed, M.MUS, ATET

Dept. of Assamese

Mrs. Barsha Gohain

Mrs. Pooja Saikia

MA in Psychology & D el ed.

Dept. of Arts

Mrs. Pooja Saikia

Mrs. Nazia Farhana Ahmed

MA in Political Science

Dept. of Arts

Mrs. Nazia Farhana Ahmed

Pinky Das


Dept. of Accountancy

Pinky Das

Sangita Kumari Singh

B.Sc.(Zoology), B.Ed, ADCA, M.Sc.(Zoology)

Dept. of Science

Mrs. Sangita Kumari Singh

Debarati Majumdar Bhowmick

Ph.D(Zoology) Persuing,M.Sc(Zoology), Advance Diploma in IT

Debarati Majumdar Bhowmick

Dipamani Talukdar

MA(Hindi), PGDT

Mrs. Dipamani Talukdar

Rituparna Deka


Mrs. Rituparna Deka

Malabika Bhuyan

MA(Philosophy, Assamese)

Mrs. Malabika Bhuyan

Sonali Boro


Mrs. Sonali Boro

School Faculty


Mrs Daisy Pathak

M.A. in Economics

Social Science Teacher

Mrs Daisy Pathak

Mrs. Nabanita Gogoi

M.Sc in Physics

Science Teacher

Mrs. Nabanita Gogoi

Mrs. Pratibha Barman

M.Sc in Electronic Science

Mathematics Teacher

Mrs. Pratibha Barman

Mr. Anil Pandey

M.Sc in Statistics

Mathematics Teacher

Mr. Anil Pandey

Ms. Puja Devi

M.A. in English

English Teacher

Ms. Puja Devi

Mrs. Gitanjali Das


Computer Science Teacher

Mrs. Gitanjali Das

Ms. Shehnaz Parveen

B.E. (Civil)

Computer Science Teacher

Ms. Shehnaz Parveen

Mrs. Bornali Patgiri

B.A. in Education & ASL, B.Ed

Assamese Language Teacher

Mrs. Bornali Patgiri

Mrs. Purabi Mishra

M.A. in Assamese, B.Ed

Assamese Language Teacher

Mrs. Purabi Mishra

Mrs. Dulu Maya Rai

B.A. in Hindi

Hindi Language Teacher

Mrs. Dulu Maya Rai

Ms. Barnali Baishya

M.A. in Hindi

Hindi Language Teacher

Ms. Barnali Baishya

Ms. Khurshida Rahman


Nursery Class Teacher

Ms. Khurshida Rahman

Ms. Usha Rani Das

B.A., Visharad in Music

Music Teacher

Ms. Usha Rani Das

Mr. Surojit Bora

H.S., Fine Arts Diploma

Art & Craft Teacher

Mr. Surojit Bora

Ms. S. Temsusenla Ao

Administrative Officer

Ms. S. Temsusenla Ao

Awards & Honours

Rules and Regulations

Ascent Academy Senior Secondary School

  1. Selection of student will be solely on merit.
  2. The Academy follows the Council prescribed course.
  3. Irregular attendance, lack of application of mind to the tasks allotted, indiscipline and rowdy behavior, disrespect to the Academy and the authorities etc. will invite disciplinary action against the student/students.
  4. Any damage done to the Academy's property should be made good by the student concerned.
  5. Absences will require prior intimations and permission from the Principal.
  6. Students will be debarred from leaving the Academy Campus during class-hours.
  7. There will be two categories of Admission for students - Day Scholars and Boarders.
  8. Cell-phones/mobiles are to be deposited in the Reception before reporting for classes. The same may be collected after the classes get over.

Ascent Academy High School

  1. Students should bring the Almanac and Identity Card (ID Card) on school days.
  2. Students should observe polite behavior inside school premises.
  3. Students are strictly forbidden from bringing diaries/magazines, CDs, Mobile phones, Radios etc. other than the school requirements to the school.
  4. A student suffering from any kind of infectious disease must produce a medical certificate to the Headmistress.
  5. Any damage done to the Academy’s property should be made good by the student concerned.
  6. School authorities will direct the withdrawal of pupil who fails in the Annual Examination during the current session.
  7. Students without original Marksheet and Transfer Certificate (TC) from the last school attended will be admitted only on ‘provisional basis’ for one month. Submission of the same confirms the Admission in due course of time.
  8. Special arrangements cannot be made for pupil who for any reason whatsoever, remain absent from examinations or any part of them.
  9. The ‘Teacher In-Charge’ only will do scrutiny of answer-papers.
  10. Any student desirous of withdrawing from the school after admission, will have to pay full academic session’s fee (i.e. 12 months).
  11. No student shall indulge in any of the following practices:
    • Habitual irregularity in class attendance
    • Willfully damaging school property
    • Rowdyism and rude behavior
    • Casteism and communalism
    • Willful negligence of academic tasks allotted by school authorities



Ascent Academy

Admission Going On!!! For Classes I to H.S. First Year (Arts, Science & Commerce) for 2023-24 Session. Visit Main Office between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.

Kindly clear all Quarter Fee dues to be paid on or before the designated date, non-compliance of which will lead to the imposition of late fine.

'Summer Vacations' & 'Winter Vacations' and a list of all other holidays are available at the Main Office Reception. Parents can collect it from there.

Parents-Teachers Meet (PTM) for all the Classes will be held regularly as per the directions of the Management. Parents are strictly instructed to attend the PTMs with their ward/wards on the given date and the given timeslots. Absence from which will lead to the issuance of a 'Show-Cause Notice' to the student.

Copyright © ASCENT ACADEMY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS 2016. All rights reserved.