Ascent Academy High School

Ascent Academy High School is once again reinventing itself, with the management all set to align the school with the National Education Policy. Established on the 10th of January, 1994, we are preparing to bring in the new changes envisioned under NEP while continuing with the Legacy of Excellence, which we are known for, since the last 28 years. We strongly bel the students.

CLASS 1 - 5


CLASS 6 - 8


CLASS 9 - 10


Ascent Academy High School is once again reinventing itself, with the management all set to align the school with the National Education Policy. Established on the 10th of January, 1994, we are preparing to bring in the new changes envisioned under NEP while continuing with the Legacy of Excellence, which we are known for, since the last 28 years. We strongly bel the students.


Along with stress on academic achievements, every student needs a platform to express and explore their talents and interests. Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.

Ascent Academy High School seeks to give priority towards nurturing students in whatever skills they possess and aims to provide adequate platform to express their hidden talents.

Exposure tours and excursions were actively conducted until Covid-19 put a complete stop to it. Ascent Academy High School intends to revive all such extra-curricular activities and provide a vibrant space that excite and implore students to bring their best to the floor.



Ascent Academy

Admission Going On!!! For Classes I to H.S. First Year (Arts, Science & Commerce) for 2023-24 Session. Visit Main Office between 9:00 am to 3:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.

Kindly clear all Quarter Fee dues to be paid on or before the designated date, non-compliance of which will lead to the imposition of late fine.

'Summer Vacations' & 'Winter Vacations' and a list of all other holidays are available at the Main Office Reception. Parents can collect it from there.

Parents-Teachers Meet (PTM) for all the Classes will be held regularly as per the directions of the Management. Parents are strictly instructed to attend the PTMs with their ward/wards on the given date and the given timeslots. Absence from which will lead to the issuance of a 'Show-Cause Notice' to the student.

Copyright © ASCENT ACADEMY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS 2016. All rights reserved.